How does it work ?


Microsonic Systems new patented Lateral Ultrasonic ThrustTM (LUTTM) technology works by using a Micro-Electrical-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based transducer, which when excited with RF power generates ultrasonic waves. Since these waves have a very high level of lateral ultrasonic thrust, the coupling of them into a well causes a lateral mixing vortex. This lateral mixing vortex enables the user to rapidly and controllably mix their samples within a well.

By using a MEMS-based transducer, the effector is miniaturizable, and therefore can be duplicated numerous times onto a single piezoelectric plate. Currently, Microsonic Systems is using a transducer with 384 effectors, enabling an all-on operation that allows the user to mix entire micro plates in a fraction of the time of competitive products, without using moving parts.  In addition, the process is completely contact-free; nothing touches the samples in the wells, ensuring operations that are completely free of contamination

Additionally, the intensity of the motion created by our LUT technology is highly controllable. Therefore, lower power settings can be used for the gentle mixing required when dealing with cell based assays, and higher power can be utilized when increased velocity is needed for solubilization.